
macOS storage cleaning tips for iOS developers

In this article I will show you two tools that I use on my Mac to detect and free the used storage...

Limit concurrent function executions using Go channels

This article will explain how to limit concurrent function execution using Go channels...

Non-blocking sequential processing in Go using infinite (unbounded) buffered channel

While developing the backend service that will handle a lot of real-time events...

Calculate values in background and use the result after with Swift concurrency

If you need to compute a value and don't want to block the main thread you can do so by...

Wrapping delegates with Swift async/await and continuations

In this article you will learn how to convert or use existing delegate patterns and wrap them with Swift's structured concurrency...

Making properties read only outside their scope using private(set) in Swift

I recently discovered Swift feature where setter for class and struct properties...

Fetch and display the latest git commit hash in your iOS apps

If you want to know from what exact commit your app is built...

Display SwiftUI views from Objective-C codebase

SwiftUI is getting more mature with every new major iOS release...

Using semaphores in iOS to serialise callback completion

Semaphore mechanism was proposed by Dijkstra in the sixties...

Using Network Link Conditioner to simulate bad network conditions on iOS and macOS

Build iOS apps from the command line using xcodebuild

At some point in your iOS development career you will want to automate app building and distribution...

The Holy Grail of UIKit: Delegate Pattern

When I started learning to develop apps for iOS I stumbled upon the delegate pattern for the first time...

Just setting up my Hugo

Hello world! My first post and introduction to the theme that I am using...